Modafinil Side Effects & Benefits – Complete List

Modafinil’s popularity as a smart drug is due, in part, to the fact that it has few to no serious side effects. Every once in a while, however, a user will report chronic headaches, dehydration, anti-social tendencies, or other adverse effects. In this article, I assess the validity of these claims, consider possible causes, and offer several tips and techniques for avoiding negative side effects altogether.
What is Modafinil?
Modafinil (a.k.a. Provigil, the leading brand name) is a medication that promotes wakefulness. It works by altering the natural chemicals, or neurotransmitters, in the brain. Modafinil is commonly prescribed to treat excessive sleepiness caused by sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or shift work sleep disorder.
If you are interested, I have provided a full description of modafinil's mechanism of action (MoA) and a complete list of the neurotransmitters that modafinil affects. If you would like to know where to buy modafinil, check out our Complete Buyer's Guide.
Benefits of Modafinil and Overall Research on the Drug
Modafinil has several benefits over other 'smart drugs,' which can be felt almost immediately after swallowing the pill. These include:
- increased alertness/wakefulness,
- enhanced memory,
- enhanced problem-solving abilities,
- elevated mood,
- higher levels of motivation/work ethic, and
- in some cases, mild euphoria
These effects become noticeable about 30 minutes to 1 hour after taking modafinil, and they last for about 12-15 hours. Modafinil significantly improves energy levels, clarity of thought, memory, and focus, and in some cases puts you in a positive and euphoric state of mind, gradually increasing mood and productivity as the drug continues to work.
Modafinil is an interesting nootropic drug in that unlike harsh amphetamines such as Adderall or Ritalin, with Modafinil, you can feel it working better once you get started on a task, whether a work or school project, a creative task, or studying for exams.
In short, modafinil helps you get stuff done. For this reason, it is one of the most popular nootropics (probably second to caffeine). If you are interested, we have a complete guide where you can compare modafinil vendors and buy modafinil right now for a 20-33% discount.
Side Effects
Now that I've made it clear that modafinil has some incredible benefits, it is important to consider the potential side effects. This is important because, while I believe that nearly everyone can benefit from modafinil, I do not endorse taking any supplement or drug without fully investigating both the positive and negative sides.
Most people who take
modafinil go years without experiencing any negative side effects, however some more common side effects, such as an occasional headache or trouble sleeping, have been reported by as many as 1 in 3 users (See chart below for exact proportions). In my opinion, this is a result of lack of knowledge and irresponsibility on the part of modafinil users. For that reason, I end this post with some practical tips on avoiding negative side effects altogether.
The most common side effects of modafinil include: headache, dehydration, anxiety or nervousness, dizziness or nausea, diarrhea, and insomnia. These and other negative effects can be avoided by following the advice in the third column of the chart below.
[table id=side-effects /]
Less common, but more severe side effects, which are experienced by less than 1 in 1,000 modafinil users, include: fever, sore throat, vomiting, skin rashes, easy bruising or bleeding, suicidal thoughts, and chest pain and/or an irregular heartbeat. Get emergency medical help if you experience any of these side effects or if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.
These are all extremely rare side effects, but they are worth noting because they can pose serious problems to your health. However, by and large, most modafinil users can take modafinil for years without experiencing any negative effects. In the final section, I will share some tips to ensure that you are among the majority and that you get the most out of your modafinil experience.
Long-term Use of Modafinil
As it turns out, it is just as easy to get the most out of
modafinil as it is to have a pleasant, side-effect free experience with coffee or tea. To avoid many of the side effects listed above, just don't have too much modafinil at one time, take it at a reasonable time (not too late in the day), and – for heaven's sake – stay hydrated.
If you simply follow these 3 'golden rules' of modafinil usage, you will be able to enjoy the nootropic benefits of modafinil – without any negative side effects – for many years to come:
1.Don't take too much at one time.
When you are first starting out with modafinil, stick to 100 mg doses or less. See our complete dosing guide for more information.
2.Take modafinil at a reasonable time.
No, taking modafinil at 3:00 p.m., during your mid-afternoon slump, is not responsible. Modafinil differs from coffee in that the focus- and productivity-boosting effects last for 12 hours or more. For this reason, the best time to take modafinil is immediately after waking upon (between 6:00 to 9:00 a.m.).
3.Stay hydrated!
Did I mention that you should stay hydrated when you are taking modafinil? Water is extremely important for proper cognitive functioning, but it is even more important when you take modafinil, which tends to decrease bodily hydration. The recommended amount of water to stay properly hydrated is about 2 liters, however you should have about 3 liters per day when taking modafinil.